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Protocol for Designing Consciously (TM)

The protocol is a set of rules and procedures to deliver a more conscious design of technological artefacts exploiting the future as a space for critical reflection and inquiry.  The Protocol for Designing Consciously is framed into four stages where each stage implements different theoretical concepts, methods, and tools to help researchers and designers build future-oriented scenarios. These scenarios are the output of the reflective and iterative activity and may have different purposes in design and research processes: open new design spaces, explore the unknowns of the projects, investigate and anticipate possible implications of what is designed, imagine alternative conditions, materialise and test the not yet existing technologies, engage the wider public in building the future, and many others.


The Protocol for Designing Consciously was applied in different activities, from educational to design and research projects. Some of the topics explored throughout the Protocol for Designing Consciously in the past are within the sphere of environmental sustainability, health, public administration.

Please contact if you want a PDF version with instructions of the Protocol for Designing Consciously or apply it in your activities.

*** The Critical Approach is protected by the European Trademark Benelux Office: Trademark for the Protocol for Designing consciously and Envisioning Tool by Benelux Office, N. 132761, Date:09-07-2021, Reference: 36930CO/DG, Title: Protocollo per progettare artefatti tecnologici

© 2019 by DF4CT *** all rights reserved *** Mila Stepanovic

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