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Past workshops and Case Studies  

In the last three years there were organised several workshops with the design students, PhD candidates, design professionals and researchers, also in multidisciplinary groups (researchers from other fields beyond the design field).



_Past Workshops



MARCH 2023 â€‹Future: Imagine and Explore new design challenges (ed.2)

​Educational activity [BA Course: Laboratorio di fondamenti del progetto – Laboratory of project fundamentals, Course Head Teacher: Prof. Luca Guerrini @Politecnico di Milano Design School]

Two-day workshop with BA students of Interior Design aimed at stimulating critical reflection and discussion on the near future social challenges. The students were supposed to ask themselves an evolution of climate change will impact one’s life, how humans will have to adapt to these changes, learn to coexist with the new environment one’s life, how humans will have to adapt to these changes, learn to coexist with the new environment and other co-inhabitants (natural and man-made). LEARN MORE AND SEE THE GALLERY >>>


MARCH 2022 â€‹Future: Imagine and Explore new design challenges (ed.1)

​Educational activity [BA Course: Laboratorio di fondamenti del progetto – Laboratory of project fundamentals, Course Head Teacher: Prof. Luca Guerrini @Politecnico di Milano Design School]

Two-day workshop with BA students of Interior Design aimed at stimulating critical reflection and discussion on the near future social challenges. The students were supposed to ask themselves an evolution of climate change will impact one’s life, how humans will have to adapt to these changes, learn to coexist with the new environment one’s life, how humans will have to adapt to these changes, learn to coexist with the new environment and other co-inhabitants (natural and man-made). LEARN MORE AND SEE THE GALLERY >>>


FEBRUARY 2021 Reducing personal carbon and environmental footprint[as user and consumer] through innovative solutions for WASTE MANAGEMENT  

Ove-day session with experts coming from different fields of study (Behavioural Design, Neurosciences, Design for Sustainability). We used the Protocol for Designing and Envisioning Tool to create the scenarios about monitoring the waste produced by the microplastics, released from the household waters. This scenario was subsequently materialised and tested with users to engage a wider public in discussion about the future of the energy. SEE THE OUTPUT >>>


FEBRUARY 2021 Reducing personal carbon and environmental footprint[as user and consumer] through innovative solutions for ENERGY MANAGEMENT  

One-day session with the experts coming from different fields of study (Social Psychology, Design, HCI). We used the Protocol for Designing and Envisioning Tool to create the scenarios about the new ways to produce and share the energy in the future across the rural communities. This scenario was subsequently materialised and tested with users to engage a wider public in discussion about the future of the energy. SEE THE OUTPUT >>>​


​JANUARY 2020 Speculate for Behavioural Change 

One-day workshop aiming at exploring human behaviour in relation to the grand societal challenges and deliver envisioning scenarios about the alternative futures – thriving societies. The workshop was held with the design researchers at Design Department with the aim to test new ways to approach behavioural and sustainable design. LEARN MORE AND SEE THE GALLERY >>>​


​APRIL 2020 Use Design Fiction to Envision AI  

This workshop was organised in the MSc Digital and Interaction course “Envisioning AI through Design” at Politecnico di Milano School of Design. The workshop lasted for one week and engaged 40 students dealing with the topics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Public Administration and Health. The objective of this activity was to help the students reflect critically on the use of AI and the possible implications concerning ethical and societal questions of technologies and technological implementation in the real world. LEARN MORE AND SEE GALLERY >>>​



_Design and Research Projects


Future of Mobile Technology [in collaboration with ITU Copenhagen - IxD lab]

This research investigates possible actions and solutions that might bring smartphone users to less problematic use of these technologies and technological devices in the near future. The output of this research is three diegetic prototypes that explore new forms and interaction rituals that might help smartphone users develop more intentional and aware usage patterns for this technology. Through these three prototypes the team studied new strategies for intentional smartphone use embedded in the forms and interaction modes of these fictional artefacts. LEARN MORE AND SEE GALLERY >>>




_Who can benefit (context)?


Anyone who is dealing with the design of technological artefacts, interested in exploring the topics related to the societal challenges, technology and human behaviour. This approach was ideated for the researchers and practitioners working within the field of product, interaction, and service design but it is not limited to these. 


The Protocol with Envisioning Tool can be applied in short-term (from 1 day to 1 week) and long-term activities (long the design and research process), including educational activities, design projects, and research projects. We can tailor the workshop to fit your purposes and context of application in the best possible way exploiting the Critical Approach. 










Would you like to learn more or to apply these tools in your activity or organise a workshop?



If you think you could benefit from this approach or you are interested into it but not yet sure if this can be useful for you, do not hesitate to contact! 



© 2019 by DF4CT *** all rights reserved *** Mila Stepanovic

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