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Mila Stepanovic

PhD Candidate

Stepanovic Mila (PhD Candidate) is a MSc in Design & Engineering and she is doing her research activity at the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano. She is investigating how design fiction can contribute the design for behavioural change research and practice and in this way help researchers and practitioners’ approach critically to the use of technology, societal and ethical issues. She participated to the few research projects and her research activity is mainly focused on the topics of design for behavioural change and technology. Beside the research activity she is involved in lecturing and tutoring activity at School of Design at Politecnico di Milano and Poli.desig. Mila contributed several scientific publications and she holds several national patents.


Venere Ferraro

Associated Professor

Ferraro Venere (Assistant Professor) Ph.D. in Design, she is Untenured Researcher at the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano. Visiting researcher at University of New South Wales of Sydney and at Media Lab of Massachusetts Institute of Technology she is Coordinator of the European Project “DATEMATS” (KA2-2018) and holds national and international patents. Her main research activity is focused on the role of interaction design in the use of disruptive technology (Wearable and AI). Specifically, on how to exploit the potential of digital technologies to design experiential systems both in private and public sector. What characterizes her research is the human-centred design approach. Combining interaction design, studies on people-centred approach allow to reach an innovation by shaping the technology in a meaningful way for the user.

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